Wagers Between Couples

Here's a few I've done in the past and some that are just win win for both. Whatever you do, don't make a bet you can't fulfill or that could damage the relationship. Get her to marry you. This one should involve a safe bet and some planning. Find a prize you like and make your wager! 3) Lose the Weight. Stay on track throughout the contest with weekly weigh-ins and support from other contestants. Meet your goal and win your prize! It's that simple! The Power of Financial Incentives. It's really quite simple, money motivates! Leading academic research shows that money.

Having some healthy competition with your partner is one of the ways to increase intimacy. You’ll be able to find out new things about each other, and bond in an entirely fun way. There are many bets that can spice up any dull moment in a relationship, and thankfully, this article narrows down the 25 best ideas for bets.

If you’re thinking of what punishment to give your partner when they lose your bet, then these bet ideas for couples stand as fun wagers to make memorable moments with your partner.


  • 1 25 Fun And Flirty Bet Ideas For Couples
  • 2 FAQs

25 Fun And Flirty Bet Ideas For Couples

1. Loser has to make dinner

This is a cute way to get your partner to cook something nice for you, or perhaps take you out for dinner. If you haven’t had the pleasure of enjoying this in a while, this is one bet that can make your dreams come true.

2. Loser has to drink something crazy

If you’re having a fantastic date, and you want to make it even better, you can order some Sex on the Beach, and play a game with a fun bet where the loser has to drink it all. A bet like this will definitely create memorable moments.

3. Loser has to plan a mystery date

This bet can make your partner think of new ways to spoil you. If it all goes well, you will have an amazing date, with memories to hold on to. It will also significantly build the connection the two of you have.

4. Loser has to eat something spicy

This is a fun way to test your partner’s endurance level, and how their taste buds are able to fare with something very spicy. Wagers like this are definitely exciting and will be fun watching. Just try not to go too far.

5. Winner picks the restaurant

Everyone is eager to be spoiled once in a while, and this is one bet that can assure you get the luxury meal you desire. With this form of healthy competition present, you and your partner will definitely bond well.

6. Loser gives the winner a massage

This is an easy way to build intimacy between you and your partner. He or she would love to try bets like this because everyone wants a massage. Also, it would be quite fun watching your partner trying to compete for a foot or body massage.

7. Loser pays a specific amount


Everyone wants some extra cash one way or the other. This can easily become a reality with easy wagers like this. This will also get your partner excited because let’s be frank, winning free cash is quite irresistible.

8. Loser has to sing karaoke

This is particularly exciting if you’re out on a date. More so, if it’s the first date, you’ll find out if your partner has great vocal skills or not. If they don’t, it’ll still be fun watching nonetheless.

9. Loser gives the winner their daily or weekly savings

This is one easy way to get some free change over the weekend. It’s also a great way to increase your partner’s competitiveness because no one really likes to lose money.

10. Winner chooses the next vacation destination

For couples, selecting a vacation destination can be quite tasking. Nonetheless, this bet will make the two of you completive, with a possibility of having your dream vacation become a reality.

11. Loser has to give the winner a kiss

This is perfect especially when there’s a spark without any physical connection. Dating bets like this are great for new couples because it will start things at a slow and steady pace while making both of you excited to hang out more often.

12. Loser drives the winner around for a day

You get the pleasure of spending quality time with your partner, while also enjoying a luxury cruise to your favorite places. This fun bet is what your partner would also want to compete in to win.

13. Loser has to give out something

It’s common for people to hold on to things they no longer need, which would be better off with someone else. This bet will ignite the act of generosity between you and your partner while creating a memory.

14. Loser has to wear something the winner chooses

You can easily make your partner succumb to your style choices with this fun bet. If the two of you have different sports clubs, you can make your partner wear your favorite jersey for an entire day.

15. Loser gets baby duties

If you’re responsible for most of the baby duties at home, and you want to relax for a day, while your partner handles everything, then making this a bet will increase competitiveness in a fun way. More so, there’s a probability they’ll see the importance of helping out more often.

16. Loser has to share something embarrassing

There are different embarrassing stories that will never come up, except friendly wagers like this actually bring them to light. This will help you get to know your partner even more and build the connection on a deeper note.

17. Winner chooses the event of the day

Bets like this could include going shopping, or even for a fun sports game. This bet will be even more exciting when your partner has been reluctant to accompany you on some outings.

18. Loser makes a special treat

Everyone loves treats, especially when it’s made by their significant other. If you want to put your partner’s culinary skills to the test, or probably just enjoy the view of them making something special for you, then you should try interesting wagers like this.

19. Winner picks the movie

Most times, couples have conflicting interests when it comes to movie choices. If you’re in such a dilemma, then fun wagers like this will help you get your movie choice for the night, or perhaps enjoy what your partner chooses. This will likewise bring the two of you closer.

20. Loser has to get up and do something spontaneous

If you’re thinking of funny bets for a new relationship, then dating bets like this will be perfect when the both of you are out in public. It will be exhilarating to watch your partner try to do something crazy, and will definitely build the bond you have together.

21. Loser makes breakfast

Couples making breakfast is actually quite romantic. If you’re looking forward to seeing how romantic your partner can get with breakfast, then bets like this will be an easy way to find out.

22. Winner controls the TV for a day


Struggling with your partner about what to watch can be annoying, but this bet is one easy way to spice up situations. You can get your significant other to enjoy the shows you enjoy for an entire day while enjoying quality time with him or her.

23. Loser does the winner’s chores for a day

This is quite exciting, especially if you’ve been trying to prove that your chores are significantly as tasking as your partner’s. In the end, bets like this might make both of you more willing to help each other out.

Best Wagers Between Couples

24. Winner chooses a bedroom activity

Sexual bets are nice to spice up things in the relationship once in a while. It will definitely bring about healthy competitiveness because both of you want the privilege of selecting what will be done in bed. This is an easy way to make your fantasies become a reality.

25. Winner makes three wishes

If you still need ideas on personalized bets to make, then having the privilege of making wishes that your partner has to fulfill will definitely be exciting. Bets like this will also give you an idea of what your partner can handle.


What should I bet my significant other?

Some nice ideas you should bet your partner include picking the next movie, event, or even restaurant the two of you can go to. You can also get your partner to spoil you with certain activities like giving you a massage, or even cooking your favorite meal.

What is a good flirty bet?

Ideas on the perfect flirty bets for dates, or for relationships, include simple wagers like the loser paying for lunch for a week, or something more intense like a striptease from the loser.

What should I bet with my boyfriend?

There are tons of fun ways to make bets with your boyfriend. The loser can cook either breakfast, lunch, or dinner for the winner, or take the winner out on a romantic surprise date. This will allow the two of you to have quality time together while enjoying what you love.

What’s a good punishment for losing a friendly bet?

Punishments for losing good bets include requesting for some cash, or having the loser do something funny or spontaneous, which they wouldn’t naturally do. This can possibly help you create some good memories.

What are some fun bet ideas?

Some exciting bets to spice up any situation include choosing what the loser wears, or how the loser behaves for a specific period. You can also pick an event or an outing that you’ve always wanted to engage in. This will ensure that you get the most out of the wager.

On The Whole

Did you enjoy this article on betting ideas you can make with your partner? If you didn’t find anyone you’d love to try, you can simply resort to making wishes that your partner has to oblige to. Kindly leave a comment below if you liked this article, and share it with friends that need to see this.

Fun Wagers Between Couples

It’s cold, it’s chilly, it’s November.

That’s why was strange when my friend Jenn was dropping her daughter off at school last week and noticed a student wearing shorts. “Wait, it’s freezing out,” she said to her daughter while zipping up her jacket and pulling her hat over her head. “Does that kid have Hot Leg Syndrome or something?”

“Nah,” her daughter replied, pulling her backpack on and climbing out the door. “He just has a bet going with another kid about who can keep wearing shorts the longest.”

I laughed when she told me this story because it reminded me of my college days when crazy bets were standard. I bet my roommate Dee a dollar he wouldn’t eat a nacho chip covered in Crisco (I lost), I entered a Sideburn-Off on who could grow the scraggliest muttonchops in a month (I lost), and I bet my friend Gillian she wouldn’t race around our cafeteria at full throttle and slide headfirst into our punnily-named drink station “Thirst Base.” (I lost, and thankfully the chocolate milk on tap wasn’t harmed.)

None of these bets made sense but they somehow made sense at the time.

The best crazy bets are like that.

Because we aren’t here forever and crazy bets add laughs to our days and our weeks. So what are you waiting for, betting geeks? It’s time to shake hands and enter a Beard-Off, it’s time to drop five on who’ll catch the kickoff, it’s time to steel your gaze for the Staring Contest Standoff. Yes, it’s time spin in circles fifty times the fastest, it’s time to see who’s after-dinner burp can be the nastiest, yes it’s time to tell the naysayers that crazy bets aren’t dumb, because it’s time for us all to recognize they’re part of the World Of


Hello, Toronto! I’ll be touring the neighborhood all next week for The Book of (Holiday) Awesome launch. Hope to see you November 14th at Indigo Bay/Bloor, November 16th at Chapters Brampton, or November 19th at Chapters Oshawa!